(At 2024-04-24 04:00)

Sha Tin
Sha TinStation Added Health Risk Chart
Added Health Risk
Contribution by each pollutant on the added health risk (percentage)
3.77 0.032 (1%) 1.472 (39%) 1.794 (48%) 0.475 (13%)

(1) Time shown is in Hong Kong time.

(2) The total percentage may not be equal to 100% due to rounding.

(3) Abbreviation:
SO2 - sulphur dioxide, NO2 - nitrogen dioxide, O3 - ozone,
PM – respirable suspended particulates (PM10) or fine suspended particulates (PM2.5), whichever poses a higher health risk.

(4) For more information on the Air Quality Health Index and Added Health Risk, please visit <What's AQHI>.

(5) The AQHI information is based on real time data taken directly from EPD's Air Quality Monitoring Network.

Last revision date: 04:07 24-04-2024